BBS: The Documentary (commonly referred to as BBS Documentary) is a 3-disc, 8-episode documentary about the subculture born from the creation of the bulletin board system (BBS) filmed by computer historian Jason Scott Sadofsky of
Production work began in July 2001 and completed in December 2004. The finished product began shipping in May 2005.
Although the documentary was released under the Creative Commons Attribute-ShareAlike 2.0 License, meaning that anyone can legally download it for free, Jason Scott Sadofsky has made it known that the downloadable version is only a taste of the full experience and recommends that individuals purchase the documentary DVDs.
Production work began in July 2001 and completed in December 2004. The finished product began shipping in May 2005.
Although the documentary was released under the Creative Commons Attribute-ShareAlike 2.0 License, meaning that anyone can legally download it for free, Jason Scott Sadofsky has made it known that the downloadable version is only a taste of the full experience and recommends that individuals purchase the documentary DVDs.