Tron (1982), an American science fiction movie directed by Steven Lisberger is one of the must watch movie for hackers. The movie recieved praises and attention from critics and hackers alike due to the amazing visuals. It is a cult classic that all hackers out there will definitely find interesting.
A hacker is digitally transported into a simulated universe where he has to fight the villain, the Master Control.
The development of the movie took almost 6 years and it all started when Lisberger, writer and director of the movie, looked at a sample reel from a computer firm called MAGI and saw Pong for the first time. Influence of video games and computer technology can be seen through out the movie to the extend that they have even added Easter Eggs. For example, Pac-Man can be seen behind Sark when Tron and Ram escape from Light cycle arena into the system.
IMDB | Wikipedia | Rotten Tomatoes | Tron Wiki | Wikimedia
The development of the movie took almost 6 years and it all started when Lisberger, writer and director of the movie, looked at a sample reel from a computer firm called MAGI and saw Pong for the first time. Influence of video games and computer technology can be seen through out the movie to the extend that they have even added Easter Eggs. For example, Pac-Man can be seen behind Sark when Tron and Ram escape from Light cycle arena into the system.
IMDB | Wikipedia | Rotten Tomatoes | Tron Wiki | Wikimedia